Shanley Chooses Not to Fight Extradition
to MA; Bush Urges Senate Democrats to Act Quickly on Judicial
Nominees; Interview With Orrin Hatch
[Non-Jon material edited.]
Central's world news headquarters in New York, this is "The
Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. (END VIDEO CLIP)
WOODRUFF: From Ralph Nader to yours truly, we turn the tables
on Jon Stuart of "The Daily Show," next.
WOODRUFF: Jon Stewart and his unique spin on politics are usually
seen on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show."
come you're funnier than me?
(LAUGHTER) STEWART: That doesn't seem fair, does it? So you
could do my job easily, I could never in a million years do
SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: Well, unless you have -- well,
I won't mention the qualifications that are necessary.
STEWART: To be a senator?
MCCAIN: Well, first of all, to run for president, if you're
a United States senator, unless you're under indictment or detoxification,
you automatically consider yourself a candidate for president
of the United States.
STEWART: I didn't realize that. Which one of them is under indictment
or detox? I'd be interested to hear about this.
MCCAIN: The 99 other jokers. (LAUGHTER)
MCCAIN: You would qualify, without a doubt.
STEWART: I appreciate that. (END VIDEO CLIP)
WOODRUFF: Jon Stewart and his qualifications are all here to
go "On the Record." Jon Stewart, thank you for being with us.
STEWART: What a wonderful program that looks like.
WOODRUFF: You need to watch that program sometime.
STEWART: I really should. How are you?
WOODRUFF: I am well. It's good to see you again. We thank you
for stopping by.
STEWART: Thanks for having me. My pleasure.
WOODRUFF: Now, how much fun is it for to you talk to politicians?
Or is it?
STEWART: It's a little nerve-racking, because they certainly
know a lot more about the subjects than I do. So I get very
-- and I get tripped up with actors. You know, I'm always saying,
so, your movie opens up on Friday. No, actually it opened up
the week previous to that. Right, right, I should read my notes.
But it's fun. Guys like McCain can really speak extemporaneously.
A lot of politicians actually will never move off the script,
I'm sure as you've seen. And that's not fun for anybody.
WOODRUFF: Well, there are news people who don't move off the
script, too.
WOODRUFF: Now, you've had John McCain on. We know you've talked
to Ralph Nader. Who are some others that you've had on that,
you know, you've really felt...
STEWART: Senator Lieberman was on.
STEWART: Although his breath, quite frankly, a lot of Manischewitz.
I could smell it.
We had on quite a few. Senator Dole was our political correspondent
during the conventions. And he had a lot of insight. For instance,
I would say, who's that guy in the brown jacket there?
He'd go, "Oh, that's George W. Bush. He's running." So he was
the one who would clue me in on a lot of the information.
WOODRUFF: If you could pick anybody or any group of people you'd
like to talk to, who is on your wish list? Who would you like
to talk to that you haven't talked to already?
STEWART: Can I say Destiny's Child? I should probably say someone
in the government, right? Someone important, like the secretary
of -- I'd like to talk to Wolfowitz about this defense policy
issue, or Destiny's Child, because they're hot. You know, it's
difficult for me because I find that when you don't live in
Washington and you're sort of out of the zone, your passions
move very quickly in and out. You know, when the Enron story
broke, that's what I wanted to talk about. You know, you want
to go immediately after that. But we don't have access to those
people. So we end up getting people, you know, a couple of weeks
after the tide has broken.
WOODRUFF: How do you know when you go after a story, whether
it's Enron or something like that, that it's going will be funny?
I mean, can you just test it on your own staff and know for
STEWART: I do the entire show into a mirror with a hair brush
before the -- and whatever comes back to me. No, you don't know.
WOODRUFF: You'd like to get that on tape.
STEWART: Exactly. You never know. It's like music in some senses,
that, you have a barometer, an internal barometer. And if it
sounds right, if it doesn't sound like you're hitting the flat
or the sharp notes. And that's why we write, we rehearse it.
And we're really, like a machine. Every day it's geared towards
6:30, just getting on the air.
WOODRUFF: We hear more and more that your show and shows like
your show are the places where young people are getting their
news. They're not...
STEWART: I apologize for that. Who do I apologize
WOODRUFF: Well, what do you think about that?
STEWART: I don't think that's the case. I honestly don't think
that young people can avoid getting news. I mean, news and information
surround you almost on a molecular level these days. I think
that kids get it by osmosis more than anything else.
And if you don't inform yourself, or have some sense of what's
going on, our show won't even make sense to you. Because we
don't honestly give very good information. You were there. We're
basically very reactive.
WOODRUFF: But you talked about what happened in the world that
day. For example, you've talked about the Catholic Church situation.
WOODRUFF: You did talk about Enron.
STEWART: Which, by the way, I know that it's a tough situation
for the Catholic Church and I do understand. What I'd like to
propose to them is, just give up the molestation for Lent. Just
try it for 40 days. See how that goes. A trial period, if you
WOODRUFF: I can hear in the control room.
STEWART: Is that the giggling? I can't even believe they're
back there. I always assumed that the control room, that this
was like some sort of green screen B roll. I didn't know those
people were actually there.
WOODRUFF: You didn't know there were really people in there.
STEWART: Yes. You know what's weird? When I first walked in,
they were all playing quarters, which I though was strange,
for a news organization. But, yes, you don't know when it's
going to be funny. But for us to make references to those issues,
unless you have a larger understanding of those issues, it won't
make sense.
I don't imagine people are watching the show saying, hey, the
Catholic Church is having some sort of a row? What's going on
over there?
WOODRUFF: But you naturally are read in. I mean, you read newspapers,
you watch a lot of television. When you and I talked in New
York, you had seen this show a couple of times, anyway.
STEWART: Oh, I see this show all the time. I watch this show
-- we keep CNN on 24 hours a day. This is, unfortunately, our
show is purely reactive. We don't break stories. We have no
infrastructure, as far as -- I mean, you saw, we don't have
real reporters. We have a green screen.
And we put up -- "what are we doing today, Ramallah? OK, find
a picture that looks like Ramallah and put that up there." So
we have to wait for a situation to break and insinuate itself
into the public consciousness before we can even deal with it.
Because you can't make jokes about something nobody knows about.
WOODRUFF: It's quite extraordinary. Now, speaking of CNN, there
was something you said when I was on your show a few weeks ago.
STEWART: Am I being fired?
WOODRUFF: Here's something I want to you watch, then we're going
to have somebody comment on it.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) STEWART: Is this Blitzer? Here's a present
just for Blitzer, still with the soup in the mustache? Is he
cleaning that at all?
WOODRUFF: You know, I'll have to ask him. (END VIDEO CLIP)
WOODRUFF: All right, now, you're obviously referring to my colleague,
Wolf Blitzer.
STEWART: Hey, what's up?
WOODRUFF: We though we'd give Wolf a little equal time -- Wolf.
WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: Jon, no food in the beard at all.
It's clean. We made a complete check before I went on the air.
I need you to help me, though. The turn -- the turn from one
camera to the other. I have trouble with that. I need your help
on it. Can you show us how you do it?
STEWART: Listen, I helped Rather out. He came to my fantasy
BLITZER: Give us a little turn.
STEWART: You want me to go one to two?
BLITZER: Yes. From one camera to the other, I want our director
to follow you.
STEWART: Now, are we changing from a serious story to one of
those heroic dog type things, or -- what stories are we switching
BLITZER: We're exchanging from headlines to Lewis Black.
STEWART: All right. Here we go. Those were headlines. (LAUGHTER)
STEWART: But it's -- you got to make...
BLITZER: Let me try. STEWART: You want me to tell you why, Wolf?
It's all about the audience, baby. It's all right here.
BLITZER: Jon, I'm going to try it right now. OK, let me try
it. Tell me how I'm doing.
STEWART: Loosen the eyes, baby.
BLITZER: Those were headlines. How was it?
STEWART: Yes, that was very nice. (LAUGHTER)
WOODRUFF: Do you think, Jon, that he has a future in this business?
STEWART: Not really. Not that I can see. You got to realize...
BLITZER: You could have put a tie on for this show.
STEWART: I do, underneath. I wear all my stuff underneath. I
drove down today from New York. I barely made it. I got caught
in a whole cavalcade of stuff, as I was coming through town.
BLITZER: Well, all of Washington will want to see you tonight.
WOODRUFF: That's right. He's at the Warner Theater in Washington
and he is at a theater in Philadelphia...
STEWART: It's a big Pen rally. Everybody come on down. (LAUGHTER)
STEWART: Do have you any idea how so many French politicians
are that conservative -- DeGaulle, Le Pen, DeLay? They're all
terribly right wing anti-immigrant people.
WOODRUFF: We'd love to have you stay on for the whole show.
STEWART: Oh, I'm staying.
WOODRUFF: But you've got to go get ready for the Warner -- oh,
he's staying? He's going to go get ready for his appearance
at the Warner Theater tonight and in Philadelphia...
STEWART: Tower Theater tomorrow night, yes. Thank you for having
WOODRUFF: Jon Stewart, great to have you with us.
STEWART: The Wolf thing, you know, there's nothing you can do
about that.
WOODRUFF: I think only if he shaves.
STEWART: Yes. Affirmative action is a wonderful thing and I'm
glad he's got a job. (LAUGHTER)
WOODRUFF: OK, Jon Stewart, thanks. Wolf, you get equal time
the next time, too.
BLITZER: Thank you.