02/19 The Daily Northwestern Jon Stewart makes light of daily grind New!


The Daily Northwestern Jon Stewart Q & A
02/21 Associated Press Jon to Host Grammys
02/21 Los Angeles Times The Grammys - Q & A
02/21 New York Observer Jon Stewart Hips Out Craig Kilborn
03/30 Daily Variety Close-Up: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
04/11 Nightline The First One Hundred Days
04/14 National Review Slip on this: How George W. avoids the banana peel
04/16 New York Newsday Jon Stewart, Newsman
04/16 San Francisco Chronicle The Scoop on Jon Stewart
04/17 Untied Press International Jon Stewart's Star is Rising
04/19 CBS.com Campaigning for Laughs
04/23 The Hotline Sixty Minute Man
04/23 Daily Collegian Jon Stewart Adapts Performance for Penn State U
04/23 60 Minutes Jon Stewart's Rise to Stardom
06/19 Inside.com It's a Shanda! Jon Stewart Abandons His Roots (Formally)
06/19 Larry King Live Jon Stewart and the Issues
06/20 The Today Show Jon Stewart Discusses Politics and "The Daily Show"
07/04 The New York Times TV Notes; Cable Expands Its Late Shows
07/07 The Vancouver Sun Daily Show an Addictive Nightly Habit
07/09 Time America's Best / Talk Show Host: Jon Stewart
07/20 The Gazette Deadpan to die for Jon Stewart is gala host
07/23 The Globe and Mail Relax, It's Just Comedy
07/27 Toronto Sun Q & A with Jon Stewart
July Esquire Ten Men: Jon Stewart
08/13 New York Post 'Daily' Dose of Name-Calling (Hatchet job)
09/04 EW.com "The Daily Show" Spawns Parodies
09/08 L.A. Weekly On: Crown Thy Good
09/20 The Daily Show Jon's Return Address (Also available in German)
09/21 Associated Press Comedy Central's "Daily Show" Returns After Attacks
11/12 The Province Stewart: It's hard to be funny again
11/18 Toronto Sun Jon Stewart holds mirror to the media

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